Charity is that with which no man is lost, and without no man is saved.
- St. Robert Bellarmine
Rosary Meditations
Joyful Mysteries
- The Annunciation (fruit of the mystery is humility) Just as The Mother of Our Lord willingly said "yes" to God, we pray that all mothers who receive a prenatal diagnosis that their baby has Down syndrome will humbly say "yes" to God.
- The Visitation (fruit of the mystery is love of neighbor) We pray for tremendous faith and grace for all women to carry their beautiful children with Down syndrome to term, so that their child will know, love, and serve the Lord.
- The Nativity of the Lord (fruit of the mystery is poverty of spirit, detachment from things of this world) May the birth of our children with Down syndrome bring us intimately closer to the infant Jesus.
- The Presentation (fruit of the mystery is obedience) We pray to give of ourselves completely, by asking for sacrificial love to care for our children with Down syndrome.
- Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple (fruit of the mystery is piety) May any doubts or sorrows that we may encounter during our lives turn to joy, as we grow in holiness together with our children with Down syndrome.
Luminous Mysteries
- The Baptism of Jesus (fruit of the mystery is openness to the Holy Spirit) May the living waters of Our Lord pour forth from our children of light to all people.
- The Miracle at Cana (fruit of the mystery is to Jesus through Mary) Blessed Virgin Mary, guide us to listen to your Son, so that we may in turn guide and direct our children to Jesus.
- Proclamation of the Kingdom of God (fruit of the mystery is repentance and trust in God) Lord, help our faith to grow and encourage us to be zealous in defending and protecting the precious unborn child with Down syndrome.
- The Transfiguration (fruit of the mystery is desire for holiness) Lord, your beauty shines through our children with Down syndrome to give praise to your Father in Heaven.
- The Institution of the Eucharist (fruit of the mystery is Eucharistic Adoration) May the daily bread of Our Lord, infuse in us an outpouring of love and generosity to our children with Down syndrome.
Sorrowful Mysteries
- The Agony in the Garden (fruit of the mystery is contrition) Lord, give us the grace to persevere during tough and troubling times, to not be afraid and to freely open our hearts to God the Father.
- The Scourging at the pillar (fruit of the mystery is purity and mortification) We pray in reparation for those times we have failed to accept Your will with our children.
- The Crowning with Thorns (fruit of the mystery is moral courage) Lord, help us to push aside prideful and selfish thoughts when we become frustrated or anxious when caring for our children with Down syndrome.
- The Carrying of the Cross (fruit of the mystery is patience) May the Blessed Virgin Mary be with us as we carry our crosses daily with courage and patience.
- The Crucifixion of Our Lord (fruit of the mystery is salvation and self-denial) May we realize that out of suffering comes hope, joy, and renewed strength.
Glorious Mysteries
- The Resurrection (fruit of the mystery is faith) May we come to appreciate how much fuller our lives have become with our beautiful children with Down syndrome.
- The Ascension (fruit of the mystery is hope) We pray for a more certain hope that You will never abandon us in our trials with our children.
- The Descent of the Holy Spirit (fruit of the mystery is wisdom) As the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles, may the same Holy Spirit descend upon us to teach others how wonderful our children with Down syndrome are to the community and to the world.
- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (fruit of the mystery is devotion to Mary) Blessed Virgin Mary hold our hands as we care, teach and love our children.
- The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (fruit of the mystery is eternal happiness) Blessed Virgin Mary, you are the perfect mother and St. Joseph, you are the perfect foster father, help us to be good moms and dads to our children with Down syndrome so that one day we may share in your happiness.