The school of Christ is the school of love. In the last day, when the general examination takes place...Love will be the whole syllabus.
- St. Robert Bellarmine
Day 1
My Lord and my God, I cry out to thee with all my heart. Give me the grace to see that this is Your will for me and my baby with Down syndrome. Even though I may not understand this today, I pray that with each passing day I will discover the abundant joy that You have in store for me through the beautiful gift of my baby. Allow me to unite my love with Your perfect love, to cast away any fears that I may encounter. I call upon my holy guardian angel to help me overcome my pride and to teach me docile obedience so that I may submit to Your will, O Lord, and take a leap of faith.
St. Robert Bellarmine, I ask your intercession with God, that He may impart wisdom to eradicate fear of the unknown and to increase my love, courage and strength to recognize God's will. May I firmly believe that every human life is blessed because God creates us out of love in His divine image and likeness.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 2
Lord, with this new day, I know deep down within my soul that You hear my prayer. I know that You can calm any fear that I may have within me. Let me realize that having a baby with Down syndrome will take me on a different path than I had expected, but not necessarily a harder path. O Lord, with You I can do all things. Jesus, I lift up my soul to You and ask You to place it in Your Most Sacred Heart, safe from all worry. Only in You can I find truth and happiness.
St. Robert Bellarmine, I ask your intercession with God, that He may impart wisdom to eradicate fear of the unknown and to increase my love, courage and strength to recognize God's will. May I firmly believe that every human life is blessed because God creates us out of love in His divine image and likeness.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 3
My Jesus, I ask You to give me the grace and strength to combat any feelings or thoughts of uncertainty. Help me to know that this is truly a great honor and gift from You. Enlighten my mind and my heart to see that You are always concerned about every detail of my life and to be aware that there is help and support for families who have children with Down syndrome. I thank You for entrusting me with this glorious responsibility of taking care of my baby with Down syndrome.
St. Robert Bellarmine, I ask your intercession with God, that He may impart wisdom to eradicate fear of the unknown and to increase my love, courage and strength to recognize God's will. May I firmly believe that every human life is blessed because God creates us out of love in His divine image and likeness.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 4
Jesus, I ask You to increase my capacity to love beyond measure. Blessed Mother, by trusting in God, you overcame your fear and with humility you willingly said "yes". Place your sweet motherly touch upon me, for you are my mother, my hope and my anchor of faith. I know that you will help me conquer any doubts. Blessed Mother, assist me in the virtue of temperance so as to put aside wordly distractions and pleasures and to act according to faith and reason. Help me to set my thoughts and eyes on heavenly treasures.
St. Robert Bellarmine, I ask your intercession with God, that He may impart wisdom to eradicate fear of the unknown and to increase my love, courage and strength to recognize God's will. May I firmly believe that every human life is blessed because God creates us out of love in His divine image and likeness.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 5
My Father in heaven, enter into the silence of my heart and place Your peace in my soul. Infuse me with tremendous humility and patience that I may willingly trust and cooperate in Your divine providence. As I embark on this new journey in my life along with You and my baby with Down syndrome, I know that I may never completely understand Your ways, but that in time I may learn to accept them and to see that Your plan will bring me far greater joy and wisdom.
St. Robert Bellarmine, I ask your intercession with God, that He may impart wisdom to eradicate fear of the unknown and to increase my love, courage and strength to recognize God's will. May I firmly believe that every human life is blessed because God creates us out of love in His divine image and likeness.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 6
I ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Mother and advocate, to place your mantle around my baby and me. Blessed Mother, let me experience the heavenly peace that my baby with Down syndrome will bring to me and to others around us. Help me to learn how my baby will be able to teach others how to love, live and appreciate life and especially how to choose happiness. Hold me with your gentle loving motherly embrace, so that with you I will always find tranquility and security. Guide me in my spiritual life, so that I will continue to strive to be like you, a good loving mother and a holy virtuous woman.
St. Robert Bellarmine, I ask your intercession with God, that He may impart wisdom to eradicate fear of the unknown and to increase my love, courage and strength to recognize God's will. May I firmly believe that every human life is blessed because God creates us out of love in His divine image and likeness.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 7
Lord, give me clarity to know that You are the way, the truth and the life. Help me to focus on the needs of my growing baby. Send St. Raphael the Archangel, I beg You, to pierce my heart with the arrow of love, so that I can totally express to You my love and fidelity. Let there be an immense growth of love in my heart in thanksgiving for my baby with Down syndrome. Assist me to be aware of all the good works and the fruitful impact that my child with Down syndrome brings to others.
St. Robert Bellarmine, I ask your intercession with God, that He may impart wisdom to eradicate fear of the unknown and to increase my love, courage and strength to recognize God's will. May I firmly believe that every human life is blessed because God creates us out of love in His divine image and likeness.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 8
Lord Jesus, I am mindful of the wonderful life of Your foster father, St. Joseph. I beg you to be with my husband/ the father of my baby. Entrust to him faith, hope and love, so that he will be able to fully appreciate that our baby with Down syndrome is Your heavenly perfection at hand. Our baby is and always will be a blessing to us, our family and to all people. As we learn to live in the present moment, I beg You to help us as parents to enlarge and purify our expectations.
St. Robert Bellarmine, I ask your intercession with God, that He may impart wisdom to eradicate fear of the unknown and to increase my love, courage and strength to recognize God's will. May I firmly believe that every human life is blessed because God creates us out of love in His divine image and likeness.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Day 9
My Lord and my God, let me surrender my own will to You. In trust I accept to the best of my ability Your perfect plan for my life and my baby with Down syndrome. You are the one to whom I always need to turn. You are my light, my rock and my salvation. I am Yours. Kindly guide me each day and let me now that You are with me during my pregnancy. Direct my path as I raise my beautiful child to know, love and serve You in this world and for all eternity.
St. Robert Bellarmine, I ask your intercession with God, that He may impart wisdom to eradicate fear of the unknown and to increase my love, courage and strength to recognize God's will. May I firmly believe that every human life is blessed because God creates us out of love in His divine image and likeness.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Recite These Two Prayers On The Last Day Of The Novena
Prayer To The Blessed Virgin Mary For Her Children With Down syndrome
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, you were given to us as a mother and teacher. Come and teach us through the Lord's grace to be the best mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and friends that we can for your children with Down syndrome. Help us to accept these children as children so special to you, with gratitude as a beautiful gift from God. Make us faithful to God's will. Guide us with your motherly wisdom, fortitude, gentleness, and most of all, love, so as to help nuture these beautiful children of yours. Place your mantle around them as a protection from all harm and evil. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, in whom we place all our trust. Amen.
Prayer For The Intercession Of St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Robert Bellarmine, teacher of the world, intercede for us with our heavenly Father, to guide us in all that we do for and with our children with Down syndrome. Enlighten us to recognize and follow God's will in caring and loving these special and heavenly people. Help us to see that these individuals with Down syndrome in our lives as the gift of God to us. They teach us how to live and love beyond measure. We need their simplicity, their laughter, their sweet nature, and most of all their capacity to love. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, in whom we place all our trust. Amen.
St. Robert Bellarmine, pray for us!